Saturday, March 30, 2013

How to Care for an Introvert and an Extrovert

If you are an extravert like me, there's a good chance that you may have chosen to marry, or be friends with, an introvert.  They say opposites attract, which in my case, is very true.  Mr. Small Town is the opposite of me, an introvert.  Where I love to meet people, talk in front of people and be the life of the party, he's the opposite.  He doesn't like any attention drawn to him, hates any kind of public speaking, and likes to blend in at a party. Even though we are opposites, we've made an excellent team for the last 19+ years!  I'm smiling because, if you ever talk with him, he'd say the same thing. 

So when I came across these 'pins' on Pinterest, I had to pin them.  It made me smile knowing that there are actual ways 'How to Care for the Interoverts and the Extroverts' in your life.  It's a great conversation starter either way.


The Small Town Girl 
(I don't know who the author is or what original website/blog this came from)

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