Tuesday, April 8, 2014


“You’re Godly mom.” 

 I was shocked to hear those words come from the Kid’s mouth, describing me. ME!  The one person who this kid has seen and experienced at her very worst … when I am definitely NOT portraying any qualities associated with God.  How could he NOW be proclaiming me, his mother, to be Godly?

The conversations leading up to his startling proclamation started 2 weeks earlier. He had gone to a friend’s house to play video games.  When he came back home he told me that his friend was playing a game where everyone was chasing a boy and trying to kill him.  He said that he didn’t feel right about playing it so he played another game on the Kindle that didn’t have any violence.  I told him that he made a good choice and that God would be pleased with his decision.  In my heart I did a happy dance!  Finally!  All the talking about not playing violent video games that Mr. Small Town and I had done was having an impact on him.

A few days later he was still curious about the game.  He wanted to know why everyone wanted to kill the boy in the video game.  I started asking him questions before it finally clicked!  I asked him if the video game was titled, “Terminator.”  “Yes!” he shouted, delighted that I knew about it. I explained the plot of the movie Terminator, which I have never seen in its entirety, and threw in my best impressions of Arnold Schwarzenegger saying, “I’ll be back!” and “Hasta La Vista Baby.” 

On the afternoon of the proclamation, he was playing Minecraft.  He called me to come see what he was building.  It was a tower that he had seen on the Terminator video game.  He asked me if it looked like the tower from the movie.  Oh dear!  I had no idea! I confessed to him that I had never actually watched the entire movie but I knew the plot.  He asked me why I hadn’t seen the movie.  I told him that it was too violent for me and I didn’t like all the killing and destruction that was in the movie.  That’s when he said,

“That’s because you’re Godly Mom.  You want to fill your mind with stuff that God likes instead of all the violence in the movie.  That’s what it means to be Godly.”

How could I not be moved by his explanation?  This is the person I have spent the most time with for the past 11 years.  He knows the best part of me and the worst part of me. 
It doesn’t matter to him if I don’t walk around with a halo over my head chanting scripture or that I never lose my temper.  He just knows that I want to put things into my mind and soul that are pleasing to God.  He knows that in my heart I want to focus more on God and laying up eternal treasures.  He knows that I want to point him and others towards God.  And he knows – that is what it means to be Godly.


What do people notice in you?  Even those who know you the most?  What would they say about you?  What and who are you pointing others towards?  You might be surprised, like I was, with their responses.


“…pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.”  2 Timothy 6:11 (The Bible)




The Small Town Girl


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